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  •   As a midlife woman, do you feel like your stress and anxiety levels have …
  • The new E-Book is here.  Learn more about the E-Book in the previously recorded livestream …
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  • Group Mindful Nourishment Coaching


    Would you like to learn more about mindful nourishment eating habits and food freedom to live happy, healthy and well during midlife?  If so, The “Your Midlife Maven” Group Mindful Nourishment Coaching Program is a good fit for you.  The group mindful nourishment program is designed to provide coaching on ways to more easily adopt healthy mindful eating habits in a guilt-free and enjoyable way, that’s necessary for good health and wellness during midlife. 

    The Group Mindful Nourishment Coaching Program differs from the 1 on 1 Mindful Nourishment Coaching Program, in that it’s designed for the do-it-yourself midlife woman, who wants expert mindful nutrition insights and information, and mindful nourishment guidance and direction provided in a group coaching setting, that allows her to be knowledgeable and equipped to design her own personalized health and wellness nourishment plan.

    What Is It: 

    The “Your Midlife Maven” Group Mindful Nourishment Coaching Program Includes The Following:

    • A 4 or 6 week healthy mindful eating group coaching program for beginners or those needing a nutritional jump start to get back on track with a mindful eating plan
    • Weekly video group mindful nourishment coaching sessions covering various nutrition topics relevant to midlife women (live or recorded).  Some topics include eating for your body type, creating mindful healthy & balanced meals, managing & resisting emotional eating, healthy snacking, important nutrients for menopause, & much more…
    • Group instruction and guidance on how to develop your own midlife mindful eating nourishment plan
    • Group coaching on midlife mindful nourishment goal setting
    • Group coaching on how to create weekly mindful nourishment shopping lists and read food labels
    • Group coaching on ways to develop and stick with mindful eating lifestyle habits during midlife

    How It Works:

    As your Group Nourishment Coach, I Will Do The Following:

    • Provide expert mindful nourishment advice and guidance in a group coaching setting to help you reach your health/nutrition and wellness goals
    • Provide mindful nourishment resources and information to help you create a personalized mindful nourishment plan, designed to help you improve your health and wellness during midlife and beyond
    • Provide group coaching sessions, discussions and Q&A’s about mindful eating, and how it relates to midlife health and wellness
    • Provide guidance on ways to maintain mindful eating practices and results through a mindful nourishment habits plan
    • Provide you with tips, tools and resources to improve your overall health and wellness through mindful nourishment


    Book Your “Complimentary” Group Mindful Nourishment Discovery Call Here!!