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  • Stress Management Strategies For Midlife Women


    As a midlife woman, do you feel like your stress and anxiety levels have increased as you’ve aged, and do you feel like the things that you used to do to manage them just don’t work anymore?  If so, trust me, you are not alone.  There are a variety of reasons that stress, and anxiety increases during midlife, including hormonal fluctuations, and some psychosocial stressors like career challenges, changing body image, relationship changes, and overall health and well-being concerns, and although these feelings of stress and anxiety can often feel overwhelming during midlife, in addition to discussing them with your healthcare provider, there are a few things you can do to more easily manage this increased sense of stress and anxiety, and I’m outlining a few of them below.

    Stress Management Strategies For Midlife Women:

    • Focus On Your Physical Health & Wellbeing – By focusing on your physical health and wellbeing, including, diet and exercise, you will be nourishing your body with the proper nutrients and movement needed to help your mind and body to better handle stress and anxiety.  In my “Managing Midlife Stress” e-book, you can learn more specific techniques for focusing on your physical health and well-being, and you can also access a 4-week nutrition/meal plan perfect for reducing stress, by clicking the link here.  You can also sign up for the “Your Midlife Maven Fitness & Nutrition App,” 7-Day Free Trial, by clicking the link here, or searching and accessing the app in your App store.  I am relaunching the app this Friday, February 9th, and your free trial will not actively start until the day of the relaunch or the date that you sign up after the relaunch.
    • Prioritize Your Mental Health & Wellbeing – Your mental health and wellbeing is important at any stage of life, but it becomes even more important during midlife, because of the many changes and challenges that occur during the menopausal years.  Having good mental health and a positive mindset can go a long way to managing these changes and challenges.  In my “Managing Midlife Stress” e-book, you can learn about a variety of mental health and mindset practices designed to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your mental wellbeing, your mindset and your overall outlook.  You can access the e-book by clicking the link here.  In addition, you can listen to my most recent “Making Your Midlife Marvelous Podcast” titled “The Menopause Mindset,” by clicking the link here, or accessing it on any podcast platform that you use.  There are also two additional menopause related resources shared in this podcast episode.  Lastly, you can also access my “Free Guided Meditation,” by clicking the link here.
    • Practice Self-Care Regularly – Although all of the strategies listed above are technically a form of self-care, there are also smaller, more specific daily or weekly activities that you can engage in to help manage stress and anxiety and improve your overall wellbeing.  Some of those activities include journaling, using aromatherapy, like burning aromatherapy candles, and listening to soft relaxing music while doing any of your favorite self-care activities.  You can check out the “Your Midlife Maven” Calm Not Chaos Stress Relief Journal, available on Amazon, by clicking the link here, and the “Your Midlife Maven” Daily Gratitude Journal, by clicking the link here.  You can also check out the “Your Midlife Maven” Aura Aromatherapy Candle Collection, by clicking the link here.  There are seven amazing aromatherapy scents available.

    I hope you have found these tips, tools and resources helpful, and I hope they help you to better manage your midlife stress. 

    Thanks so much for reading and stay tuned for many more midlife health and wellness resources to come.
